What kind of computer do i need for photograv
What kind of computer do i need for photograv

  1. What kind of computer do i need for photograv how to#
  2. What kind of computer do i need for photograv full#
  3. What kind of computer do i need for photograv windows#

A few months and an amount of dicking around to get it fixed was worth it for us. Purchased Sept running by Dec.Īs an aside we just received an updated quote for a 50w machine $29,000. For us we spent about $7,000 on the machine, another $1,000 or so getting it up and running but realizing that this would probably take us some time. To this end, for anyone considering Chinese laser machines, unless you are prepared to work through a lot of electronic/computer issues, buying one of these machines is not worth it. Other than that for us it really has been somewhat of an effort to work out all the glitches and to be honest, relying on Wang was not much help at all.

what kind of computer do i need for photograv

What kind of computer do i need for photograv how to#

Get onto the Rabbit Laser website and go through their instructions on how to load LaserCut 5.3 as it is not really very evident as to which order you need to plug the dongle in, laser in etc.

what kind of computer do i need for photograv

What kind of computer do i need for photograv windows#

Windows XP is the better platform to run the program, although we have successfully run it from one of our systems that has Vista. The only advice I can really give you is to try and source a non-corrupted non-copied copy of LaserCut 5.3, remove the current program and re-load. We fixed this and were up producing again last night. In our previous unit, there were no RCD's so the issue was not apparent until we moved. Even with the power turned off at the machine AND the power point turned off, as soon as we plugged the Big Lemon (what we call our machine) into the socket, off went the RCD switch.Ģ hours with a very good electrician found that on assembly our machine had been assembled with an active and a neutral wire wired in together causing a an earth out (sorry about my non-technical description) and apparently (according to our electrician) could have killed us had we touched the wrong thing whilst having the machine powered up. We moved premise and our new leased unit has RCD safety trip out switches for the electrical circuits and when we plugged the laser in at the new unit it became obvious that there was a dead short in the wiring somewhere earthing out and causing the RCD to trip. HOWEVER another issue came to light recently. We assumed that the copied copied copy of the re-badged LaserCut5.3 from Wang was probably not surprisingly the problem after all.

What kind of computer do i need for photograv full#

On downloading this new version of the software, we had no problems at all and had our laser up and running in full production. When the new controller was sent out, we were also sent a new copy of LaserCut5.3 directly from Leetro (and not 5.1 badged as 5.3).

what kind of computer do i need for photograv

We had so many problems at the beginning that in the end we purchased an new Leetro controller after some advice that our controller was probably the issue (we had given up on getting any really useful help from Wang!).

What kind of computer do i need for photograv